2020-M10 ETR Briefing

Investabill ETR® are fixed value Exchange Traded Receivables that are leases, monetary obligations or bills issued under contract for assets, goods and services supplied to investment quality† companies, or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. As at M10, Credebt Exchange® held Active RSA of EUR 18.04m, with EUR 26.93m fully allocated. Investors net redemptions were EUR 0.56m in the period with trading of EUR 13.31m+ and all ETR utilised.

M10 Treasury collections at EUR 14.85m of settled ETR was c.11.10% ahead of Trading. Treasury is collecting faster than the Trade Desk is trading. A good indicator of performance.


2020-M10 v 2019-M10 trade value is 67.92% higher. More international trade finance deals occurring as this new business sector develops in 2020-Q4. Trade volumes were on par with prior year results. Monthly withdrawals by Investors were seasonally low at c.EUR 0.56m. The Credebt® Index remained stable at 92 and remains in line with 2019. Originators continue to draw comfort from this. Total credebtors was c.6.2k+ and EUR 3.39m was the largest trade.


Yield continues its refusal to move above its ‘ceiling’, starting above 1.800% and ending the period slightly above 1.820%. Investor yield remains low and it is expected that the Exchange will intervene with a temporary ‘Year-1 Bonus’ to boost initial investment yields in 2021. International trade finance remains a trading focal point. Total RSA was EUR 18.04m+

2020-M10 ETR Briefing Trade Credebt

2020-M10 ETR Briefing

† Investment quality is a combination of Investment Grade [IG] organisations & other credit worthy organisations, as determined by AIG and other credit rating providers, from time to time

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