2021-M11 ETR Briefing

Investabill ETR® are fixed value Exchange Traded Receivables that are leases, monetary obligations or bills issued under contract for assets, goods and services supplied to investment quality† companies, or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. As at M11, Credebt Exchange® held Active RSA of EUR 67.87m, with EUR 43.80m fully allocated. Investors net redemptions were EUR 1.74m in the period with trading of EUR 27.60m+ and all ETR utilised.

Treasury collections at EUR 37.31m of settled ETR was c.26.00% more than the Traded ETR. Strong trading will see the Exchange almost meet the 2021 budget.


2020-M11 v 2021-M11 continues to be strong and greater in value by some 400.0%+. Volumes was significantly down by 40.98% but overall 2021 YTD v 2020 trade is up 33.47%. Investors’ withdrawals fell back to c.EUR 1.74m moving out of Investabill® into Leasabill®. The Credebt® Index eased back down to 98. Total credebtors remained at c.6.5k+. The largest trade was a shipping trade at EUR 4.11m


Standard Yield started at c.2.115%, increased to 2.136% before ending the month on 2.108%. Trade Desk maintained the Fixed Yield at 3.000%. With bank yields of negative c.1.000%, overall Investors saw c.3.750% positive yield from ETR. Investors’ appetite for Leasabill ETR® 3-Year 4.000% held during the month. Total RSA was EUR 67.87m+

2021-M11 ETR Briefing Trade Credebt

2021-M11 ETR Briefing

† Investment quality is a combination of Investment Grade [IG] organisations & other credit worthy organisations, as determined by AIG and other credit rating providers, from time to time

No personal guarantees *
No liens/debentures *
Quick application
Quick decision
Commercial perspective
Consultative process
No credit limits
Light on administration
Quick access to cash
No exit fees *

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