
Investabills are fixed value Exchange Traded Receivables [ETR] that are Loans or Bills issued under Contract for goods and services supplied to investment quality companies or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. The Investor’s yield is achieved by purchasing Investabill® at a discount. The Credebt Exchange Master Agreement ensures credit liability is with the Investabill® debtor company, or payor of the invoice.

ETR Trade Credebt


Investabill ETR offer a unique alternative to bank deposits with:
  • 100% Buy rate execution (i.e. yield)
  • 100% net allocation & no management charges
  • 100% ETR Repurchase (see protection from AIG)
  • Flexible, regular income options
  • No charge for quarterly or annual income
  • An open ended term with no minimum commitment
  • A cash-equivalent alternative to bank deposits


The Committee of European Securities Regulators [CESR] provides guidelines for generating a Synthetic Risk & Reward Indicator [SRRI] value for investments. This method has been adopted by the European Securities and Markets Authority [ESMA]. The lowest risk SRRI/ESMA value is 1 and the highest risk SRRI/ESMA value is 7. The ESMA value is designed to provide Investors with a meaningful indication of the overall risk and reward profile of investing in products like Investabill®. Investabill® has an ESMA rating of 2.

ETR Trade Credebt


Trading is automated based on agreed Buy rate/interest

Liquid investment with 45-90 day ‘roll-over’

Liquidity encashment averages 75-days

Flexible & no long-term commitments

Buy rate/interest is annual yield net of all costs

Medium to high yield return range

No early redemption fees

ETR Trade Credebt


The franchise agreement details how your company will trade with Credebt Exchange®. At a basic level, its purpose is to ensure the reputation of both parties is held in the highest regard.

To build the business, is it important that sufficient liquidity is available to cover all operational costs. These costs are deducted from the gross profit on every trade transaction. A portion of the gross profit is also released to the P&L account for net profits. After these costs and profits are recorded the Reserves are considered.

nvestor interest/Buy rates change daily. The investment intermediary negotiates the Investor Buy rate directly with an Exchange Specialist, on behalf of the Investor. The agreed Buy rate determines the interest/yield for a fixed term. Each negotiated investment amount, interest/yield and fixed term is then confirmed by the Investor.